I actually have mixed feelings about the following video. It makes a great point, and one that is really lost on the believer (well, it was lost on me when I was a believer, and also on many that I still know). But, I would have liked it more had it not been made so much like one of those late election political ads. You know the ones I'm talking about, where they have the tense music with the concerned sounding narrator saying things like, "Congressman Smith wants to feed your children nuclear waste for school lunch. Congressman Smith also has a body hiding in the trunk of his car right now. Do you really want to elect someone who wants to feed kids nuclear waste and has a body in the trunk of his car? Neither do we." Like I said, the point of this video is great, but I'm not sure that I'm 100% in love with the style. But, obviously I still think it's good or I wouldn't have posted here. Now, if only a few more, non-critical thinkers will see stuff like this and maybe, just maybe start to reflect on it...